25 August 2020
The Principal
Dhaka College,
Subject : Application for providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
With due reverence and humble submission, we, the students of your college, would like to let you know that ours is a renowned college in Bangladesh having modern amenities but we are lagging behind because of having no multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
Classrooms with multimedia facilities can make teaching and learning more effective and enjoyable for both students and teachers. Teachers can conduct classes using Power Point presentation. They can also present classes by taking help from other potential sources like 'Shikkhok Batayan'. Moreover, if there is a computerized projector in the classrooms, we can learn things more
joyously by seeing the slide shows. Besides, a computer having Internet connection facilitates students to get latest information about things and beings in and around them. Multimedia
classroom system can save our time and energy. Managing large class becomes very easy in this system.
Students' participation can best be ensured.
We, therefore, hope that you would be gracious enough to take necessary steps immediately for
providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms.
Yours Obediently,
1. Mizan
2. Kushol
3. Monmoy
[On behalf of the students of Dhaka College.]